Our vampire dad with farts that smell bad, a single red hair under his little blue hat, blink & he’d have turned into a bat. This is Batty our big red fat chappy.
A little boffin who sleeps in a coffin, sports a yellow tee and a big cosmo fro, this is Bolt, our geeky green bro.
Yellow and short with bushy blue brows, a bat on her hat and eats insects with honey. Meet Cleo Patra our yummy cloth mummy.
She rolls around on pink skates from here to there to see her mates she loves a tune and her pink iPod never to stop or sit or plod this is Disco the bouncy blue bird.
Always out on his next big adventure whilst sporting a pink dodo feather on every new venture meet Moppadop our little tailless lion cub..
He’s a little bit sneaky, has a little green fez and always a bit cheeky. Latin America love their meats but Moth the Sloth always eats doggy treats.
He's a mixture of slime and mud. He has the same texture as yoda and a potent garbage odour which probably explains all the flies.
He's a bit like Bart and loves to fart which probably powers his trike. Not a big thinker and a bit of a stinker we’d like to introduce you to Spike!
Mr Bombetti is a big tall white Yetti. He sells ice cream to monsters from a purple tin truck with a cone on the roof and sports horns like a buck.